Friday, September 23, 2011

How long after unprotected sex can you take a pregnacy test?

How many days/weeks after unprotected sex do I have to wait to take a pregnacy test?|||Usually at the earliest, 2 wks. But the closer you wait to the date of your expected period, the less chance you have for a false negative. Pregnancy tests detect the amount of hCG in you urine. Some women don't produce the hormone as quick as others. Some tests are sensitive enough to pick up the lowest levels of hCG in you urine. Most women need to wait till they miss their period to get accurate results. Good luck!|||Cekker Kwann, maybe she's married.

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|||If I were you, a preg test would be the last thing on my mind. How about ten years from now and a disease finally shows up you contracted from one of your unprotected encounters.....And ongoing testing failed to detect it (not that you'll even do checks for deadly diseases on an ongoing basis).....a ticking time bomb of a death sentence!! Quite frankly, it's not really the diseases out there that frighten me.... and I do harbor a healthy dread of them...... But, it's actually people like you who don't mind being perpetual vectors/hosts for them.....|||Depends on when you had sex, usually on the date you are expected to start your period.|||Generally you should wait 2 weeks.|||first response says on the box a minimum of 19 days after unprotected sex

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