Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why do people say sex works to help labor start?

If that were true then how do they explain people who have sex through out their entire pregnancy?

Wouldn't it cause pre-term labor?

Also for all the other things like teas, wouldn't that mean it would cause early labor too?

Once your in labor I can understand walking to get things progressing, but not before.

Can someone explain how this works?|||idk about the whole sex thing I do know when a girl has a orgasm her uterus contracts which is probably what they mean and of course when the babys that big and your uterus contracts it kinda starts pushing and squeezing them down and some teas don't really start the labor but when they start having contractions it bring them closer and stronger|||Sex theoretically works because when your cervix is softening (there for your already on your way) the seimen helps soften it more and therefor brings labour on faster. Also if you orgasm your uterus will contract and help start labour.

It's all theory

Most of these old wives tales liek the tea shouldn't be used before 36 weeks or they can help stimulate labour.

Sex is safe though unless advised by your doctor|||It doesn't - semen contains the same hormone that your body will produce naturally to soften your cervix

Prostaglandin only makes your cervix favorable for effacement and dilation to take place - but it doesn't induce|||never heard of it.lol

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