Friday, September 23, 2011

What is a healthy number of times to have sex with you significant other?

I'm just curious as to what an average number of times a week it is healthy to have sex? My boyfriend and I have sex about 1 time a week unless its a busy week. We don't live together. Neither of us want to have more sex so I figure if we are both happy with the amount, then its okay right?|||The answer to this is difficult, as the appropriate amount of sex had by a couple varies, as the other answers described.

However, the most important thing to consider is whether the sex is honestly fulfilling when you do have it. Do you look forward to it if you haven't seen him all week? Is it satisfying? Is it just sex or an emotional connection...?

It looks as if you've talked about it with your boyfriend, and if both of you are happy with the amount of sex you've been having, then I don't think there is a problem.. You just have to start thinking about how you feel about the sex that you DO have :-)

Shaz.. TPI|||You sound as if your dissapointed.

Seriously, that aint bad. I was in a relationship once where we did it like once a month there at the end. Yeah at LEAST three or four times a month would be a goal unless of course you have big things happening that month like travel or what not.

The down side ( being a guy in the aformentioned relationship) if you CAN'T get it from who you WANT you might just try getting from who you CAN, which isn't always one and the same.|||everyone's "healthy" number is different. i usually have sex with my boyfriend once or twice a week, but we're long distance for part of the week and only together weekends. i've heard of couples who do it twice or three times a day but that always seems sort of excessive to me.|||I can only speak from my own experaince. For me it started with my first long term relationship when I got used to getting constantly. It got to point where he was up to 2-3 times per day. I got used to that and wanted it at that level.

It sounds like your with a guy that has a really low sex drive. Thankfully I've never been with a guy like that before.|||My bf and I have sex almost every day, at least once sometimes twice or maybe 3 times just depends. We don't live together either, But we definitely make an attempt to do it at least once every day even with work, school, and other things that go on in our lives.... Thats our "healthy number"|||.Most couples (especially the guy) prefer sex regularly and often.Usually every day.However as your in a healthy reationship that meets the needs of you both.Then sex isn't the top priority.Which is even better|||Hush Hush

I once had sex 6 times in a single day with my ex boyfriend. We decided to stay home on Saturday, shut off our cell phones, t.v., internet...everything .and just spent the day getting "acquainted" in a marathon of hot fun.

Memories|||Wow....only once a week and sometimes not even that. Me and my boyfriend live an hour apart and have more sex with each than that. But whatever floats your boat.|||Its upto U. Doctor say once a day is fine.If U have those energy level its fine.But generally couples do once in a alternate day.|||just stick 2 the same scedual


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|||As many as you can because when you dont have it , ur going to be like darn.|||Whatever works for you.

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